Jefferson County Sheriff's Office
Proudly serving the citizens of Jefferson County, Kentucky
Property Tax
The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is the primary property tax collector for State, Metro Louisville, Urban Service District, Jefferson County Public School, Suburban Fire, and other special district taxes.
Civil Process
The Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the expedient service/execution of all court-ordered documents directed to the Sheriff of Jefferson.
Court Security
By order of KRS chapter 70.140, the Sheriff or a deputy, shall attend and keep order in any court of justice and shall obey the orders of said courts.
Auto Inspection
Kentucky law requires all vehicles purchased in another state to be inspected by the Sheriff.
Criminal Division
The critical and timely service of 7,000 protective and domestic violence orders received annually, is of the highest priority
Conceal & Carry
The Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the processing of all CCDW paperwork and acts as a facilitator for the State on the issuance of CCDW licenses from the Kentucky State Police.
Striving for Excellence
JCSO offers a unique way to serve your community by protecting others, interacting with the public, becoming part of the tight-knit group of brothers and sisters in law enforcement and having fun while doing it!
Serve With Us
Learn more about how you can serve your community.
- Serve as a sworn Deputy Sheriff or Court Security Officer;
- Support our team as a Telecommunicator or Civilian;
- Volunteer as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff.
"As a Sheriff, I recognize that I am given a special trust and confidence by the citizens I serve. This trust and confidence is my bond to ensure that I shall behave and act according to the highest personal and professional principles. In furtherance of this pledge, I will abide by the following Code of Ethics: I SHALL ENSURE that my employees and I, in the performance of our duties, will enforce and administer the law according to the principles of the United States."
- Sheriff John E Aubrey